Clark County

Congrats to Puj!

Congratulations to one of my clients, Puj, for taking this next step in their business! Puj Kickstarts 2015 with New Product, New Hires Article published in the Vancouver Business Journal Friday, 06 February 2015 - Written by Temple Lentz Since the summer of 2013, Vancouver-based design company Puj has occupied downtown’s Wolf building on 11th Street. The company, founded in 2009, has had extraordinary...

Glambar to provide sparkle at Sparks

The GlamBar Babes are creating sparkle in downtown Vancouver already.  Click on the image to hear from them directly as they get ready for their grand opening. We're proud to have helped them through the steps to getting a signed lease and be able to announce their new venture. Downtown Vancouver already has built a "niche" in the Fashion and Beauty industry the past five years. Home base the past...

Awash in Optimism

We've entered the economic forecast zone as 2015 gets into full swing.  Everything that I read seems to radiate optimism.  As 2014 drew to a close we had gas prices falling to their lowest level since 2009.   We had consumer confidence rising, in fact reaching levels unseen since 1998.    Wonder if those two are connected ???   For the American consumer it seems they are tightly bound, but that is a...

Vancouver Chamber Small Business Resource Committee

Tuesday the Vancouver Chamber kicked off their first public event aimed to bring more awareness, more access and more effective application of the numerous resources that are in place to support and nurture small business .  This effort actually began way back in 2013 when the GVCC and the City of Vancouver  coalesced around creating a website where entreprenuers can go to see the wide array of...

Hazel Dell the next Hot Bed for Restaurants ?

If there is one complaint common to almost all Hazel Dell or Salmon Creel residents or shoppers it is the question why aren't there more good restaurants in that part of town. For years the  myth was that the System Development Charges (SDC) by the Clark Regional Waste Water District were too expensive.  These costs are generally based on the per seat capacity of each project and were reputed to add...

Vision Translated to Reality

My big chance for a question to the panel The Columbia River Economic Development Council held their final  quarterly luncheon of 2014 at the Heathman Lodge Monday January 15th.   The topic was how strategic planning is vitally important to creating a vital economic future. This is topic is important because the effects of the 2008 Great Recession set our economic development base back about four...

Podiatrists gain foothold at Pacific Crest

In 2008 Drs. Ellen Wenzel and Zarko   Kajgana  made a decision to locate their Podiatric practice here in Clark County.  Both had completed their training and residency, having matriculated from Scholl College of Podiatry at Rosalind Franklin University in 2007  and been Board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics and Primary Podiatric Medicine. They set up “shop” out along...

Retail Revs at steady rate

The most recent report from Washington State on local retail sales shows that Clark County consumers are still keep up a good pace in their shopping habits. Taxable retail sales climbed to $1.3 billion in the second quarter of 2014, from April 1 through June 30, the Washington State Department of Revenue reported Monday November 3. That was a 9.2 percent increase from the same period of 2013. Clark...

VDA- Property Owners Summit

Vancouver's Downtown Association is again stepping to the forefront to inspire another surge of activity to the ongoing momentum created over the past three years. Lee Rafferty welcomed VDA members and property owners to a "Downtown Property Owner Summit" this past Thursday at the Brickstone Ballroom. The focus of the Summit was to bring Michelle Reeves back for a review and refresh of the principles she...

Community Foundation Kudos

We'll lead this post with passing out some sincere and well deserved accolades to the South West Washington Community Foundation for planning and executing a great community wide event on Sept 18th - Give More 24!  Designed to create a much wider reach to community members who might not attend the many fundraising events we see every week. The final total for this 24 hour event was over 475,000 dollars. ...

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