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Economic Date Update

They say that these are not the best of times but they’re the only times I’ve ever known. . . its either sadness or euphoria                                                      -Billie Joel  I don’t have a crystal ball , so I can’t  tell you if we’re going to see  hyper inflation , continued aggressive Fed interest rate increases,   massive […]

STAT OF THE WEEK: Clark County Commercial Office Market

We get many FAQs about the state of the CRE market here in Clark County. The Pandemic has obviously had a negative impact on the entire economy and many wonder how those impacts will manifest themselves here locally. The two impacts that have seemed to create the most curiosity are the challenges of brick-and-mortar retailers, […]


The Commercial Real Estate scene in Vancouver has clearly been dominated by the celebration and opening of the Waterfront Project in August of 2018.  First was the dedication of the Park, with it’s iconic mast and pier. Then came the opening of two fantastic restaurants, WildFin and Twigs. This was followed by a parade of […]